Brand Development Kenya

COMPANY LOGOThe American Marketing Association defines a brand as the “name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s goods or service as distinct from those of other sellers.” Your brand identity is the represents  your company’s reputation through the conveyance of attributes, values, purpose, strengths, and passions. Authentic brands are easy to recognize, their mission is clear, and it attracts customer loyalty all businesses crave for. A brand is one of the most valuable fixed assets of a business, and it must be carefully crafted to ensure it properly represents the business, and resonates with the intended customer base.

So … how’s your brand doing? Does your business have a brand identity? If it doesn’t — or your brand isn’t as strong as it could be — follow along as we guide you through the steps to take to define your brand.

It’s no secret that in order for a business to be a successful venture, it has to develop a brand that its potential target market becomes familiar with. Once this is done, it becomes easier for the business to grow and develop successful customer relationships while converting website traffic. Although many people think that building a brand is complicated, there are a few simple steps to follow in order to build a successful brand.

“Design is the silent ambassador of your brand.” 
– Paul Rand

1. Decide what will be Branded and Research Your Target Market

Before engaging in the brand development process, it is important to do some research and decide what you would like to brand. Generally, you have a choice between branding a person, a company, a service or even a particular product. Once a decision has been made regarding what will be branded, it then becomes crucial to ensure that enough time is spent on researching your target market. Once this has been done, it is then essential to learn as much as possible about the product, service or individual that you intend marketing.

2. Compile Your Brand Definition and Position Your Offering

After researching your target market, it is then essential to take time to develop a brand definition that clearly explains what is being offered, and how the product or service you have to offer is different from what is already out there. It should also inform your target market how they will benefit from using it and what guarantee you offer to those who choose to use your service or product. From here, the next step is to win a place in the market for what you have to offer. This can be done by giving them solutions to problems or needs that previously could not be solved or met.

3. Develop a Name, Tagline and Logo

These three aspects are all extremely important in the brand development process as they help to ensure that your business or service offering stands out clearly among others who may have the same offerings. By designing a logo and compiling a memorable tagline, you can be sure that customers will be able to remember not only your business name, but also what you are able to do for them. Once this has been done, it is time to launch your brand and market the ways in which you can assist your target market in ways that no one else can.

4. Protect and Manage Your Brand

By offering consistent customer service and products, you will be able to manage your brand very well. Once the market is aware of the high quality goods or services that you have to offer, you will be well on your way to effectively mastering the brand development process. It is also important to ensure that any negative publicity is dealt with as professionally as possible in order to maintain the reputation of your brand.

By following these steps, it is possible to develop a winning brand. Once you have achieved this, it may become necessary to adjust your branding approach on occasions to ensure that your company identity it is kept up to date.For Company logos , Logo design , Business logos , Company logo design , Logo designer , Designing a Logo and How to design a logo engage our magical team on Contact us .