

Rebranding is more than just changing a logo or a tagline. It is about redefining a company’s identity, refreshing its image, and repositioning it in the market to connect better with its audience. Companies like Apple, Instagram, and Safaricom have successfully navigated the hurdles of rebranding, transforming themselves into the influential brands they are today. This article explores the importance of rebranding, illustrated through the journeys of these three iconic companies.

The essence of Rebranding

Rebranding involves altering the public perception of a company by changing its name, logo, design, or even its overall brand strategy. This process can be driven by factors such as; changes in the market, shifts in consumer behavior, technological advancements, or the need to overcome a crisis. Rebranding helps a company stay relevant, attract new customers, and retain existing ones by refreshing its image.

As Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, once said, “Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room.” This quote emphasizes the importance of perception in building a successful brand. Therefore, rebranding is a strategic tool companies use to manage and enhance this perception.


Importance of Rebranding

Rebranding is crucial for several reasons:

  • Staying relevant: Markets and consumer preferences are constantly evolving. Rebranding helps companies stay relevant by aligning their image and services with current trends and expectations.
  • Attracting new customers: A fresh brand identity can attract new customers who may not have considered the company before. It signals a commitment to innovation and progress.
  • Retaining existing customers: Rebranding can re-engage existing customers by showing that the company is evolving and improving. It can renew interest and loyalty among the customer base.
  • Differentiation: In a crowded market, a different brand identity helps a company stand out. Rebranding can highlight unique strengths and values that set the company apart from competitors.
  • Crisis recovery: Rebranding can help a company recover from a crisis by distancing itself from past issues and creating a fresh and positive image.

Rebranding Case Studies: Lessons from Apple, Instagram, and Safaricom


Apple’s rebranding journey is a testament to the power of strategic transformation. Founded in 1976, Apple initially focused on personal computers. However, by the late 1990s, the company was struggling. In 1997, Steve Jobs returned to Apple and initiated a significant rebranding effort. First, the company name changed from Apple Computers Inc. to Apple Inc. This new identity paved the way for Apple to be more than just a brand that focused on computers.

Steve Jobs also simplified Apple’s product line, introduced the iMac, and launched the “Think Different” campaign. This campaign celebrated creativity and innovation, aligning Apple’s brand with a sense of individuality and forward-thinking. The introduction of the iPod in 2001 and the iPhone in 2007 further solidified Apple as a leader in innovation and design.



The logo evolution also mirrored these changes. The first logo depicted Isaac Newton under an apple tree. This was then replaced by a rainbow-colored apple logo in 1997. Apple then adopted a monochromatic logo, reflecting its sleek and modern design

Steve Jobs once said, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” Apple’s rebranding efforts, driven by innovation, transformed it from a struggling computer company into a global lifestyle brand with cutting-edge technology and sleek design.

Important: The Branding essentials


Instagram’s journey from a simple photo-sharing app to a versatile social media platform illustrates the importance of adaptability in rebranding. Launched in October 2010, Instagram initially focused on providing users with a platform to share photos with filters. However, as social media evolved, so did Instagram.

In 2016, Instagram underwent a major rebranding, introducing a new logo and user interface. The old retro camera logo was replaced with a more modern and simplified icon. The new design was modern and vibrant, reflecting the dynamic and diverse content on the platform. Features like Stories, IGTV, and Reels were introduced, allowing users to share videos and engage more interactively.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, which owns Instagram, emphasized the importance of evolving with the times: He said,”In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”

Instagram’s rebranding efforts were a series of calculated risks that paid off by keeping the platform relevant and engaging for its users. Today, Instagram is ranked the 4th most used social media platform in the world.



Safaricom, Kenya’s leading telecommunications company, has successfully used rebranding to maintain its market leadership and expand its services. Initially founded in 1997, Safaricom began as a mobile service provider. The company’s first significant rebranding came ten years later with the launch of M-PESA in 2007. M-PESA, a mobile money service, fully transformed financial transactions in Kenya.

It enabled users to withdraw, deposit, and transfer money all with a mobile phone. Today with M-PESA, users can pay for goods and services using the Lipa na M-PESA till number, Paybill and Pochi la biashara features as well as access credit and savings.


In 2019, Safaricom rebranded with a new logo and the tagline “Twaweza”. This rebranding emphasized empowerment, inclusivity, and the potential of individuals and communities to achieve their goals through Safaricom’s services. The company also expanded its digital services, now including home internet solutions.

Bob Collymore, the late CEO of Safaricom, highlighted the company’s commitment to innovation and community: He said,“We see ourselves as much more than a telecoms operator; we are an enabler of possibilities”. Safaricom’s rebranding efforts have reinforced its role as a catalyst for positive change and development in Kenya.


Learn: 10 successful rebranding case studies and lessons learned


Rebranding is a powerful tool that can redefine a company’s trajectory. As demonstrated by Apple, Instagram and Safaricom, successful rebranding involves more than just visual changes; it requires a deep understanding of market dynamics, consumer behavior and a commitment to innovation. By continually adapting and evolving, companies can ensure their brands remain relevant, compelling, and successful.

As Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group put it, “A brand is a voice, and a product is a souvenir”. Through effective rebranding, companies can ensure their voice resonates with their audience hence creating lasting impressions and driving long-term success.


How: Rebranding Process Explained


At Designhub Ltd, we understand the importance of rebranding in a business. We offer consultation services, a fundamental step in successful rebranding efforts, which help you define your brand strategy and ensure it aligns with your business goals. We then offer our rebranding services transform how your brand feels and connect with your audience.

To begin the Rebranding journey with us, reach us at or +254 707 624 629.

About Designhub Ltd

Designhub Ltd is a branding company in Kenya with a passion for communicating innovatively, efficiently, and effectively to the target audience.

The passion that a business owner has to start a business, is the same driving force we have when generating branding ideas, visuals, and content for a new or re-branding business. We brand your business with a simple, strong, and bold identity. Thus, getting your branding right!