
Who we are

Creative Hub

Designhub ltd is a branding company in Kenya with a passion to communicate innovatively, efficiently, and effectively to the target audience.

The passion that a business owner has to start a business, is the same driving force we have when generating branding ideas, visuals, and content to a new or a re-branding business. We brand your business with a simple, strong, and bold identity. Thus, getting your branding right!

Years on the Market
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Projects delivered so far
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Why Choose Us?

Design Hub innovatively develops a brand from Logo origination to application. Our experience defines originality to go out of the normal and communicate effectively to the target audience.



We craft business identities that reflect a business goal to offer unique products and services to the market.



We work systematically towards delivery of services requested



We deliver working solutions to ensure your business is strongly visible and well branded.


Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

Our Team

Designhub ltd is an innovative branding company in Nairobi that integrates ideas to deliver credible results. We are a creative hub of; Consultants, Strategists, Copywriters, Creatives, Photographers, Videographers, Media buyers, Printers, and Fabricators with a common aim to get your branding right.

Together, we ensure work received is interpreted, analyzed, understood, and delivered within the agreed timelines without delays or excuses. Our collaborative nature strengthens resilience to do more even when circumstances seem uncertain and challenging.

Why Work with us

Over the years Designhub Ltd has grown to attract clients from various industries such as; Pharmaceuticals, Construction, Mining, Telecommunication, Finance, Education, Logistics, Law, Technology, Health, Aviation, Hospitality, Humanitarian, Fashion, Manufacturing, Consultancy, among others.


Design Hub innovatively develops a brand from Logo origination to application. Our experiencedefines originality to go out of the normal and communicate effectively to the target audience.



We work systematically towards delivery of services requested



We deliver working solutions to ensure your business is strongly visible and well branded.
